Tint Design's Journey Towards Net Zero: A Commitment to Sustainability


At Tint Design, our dedication to environmental responsibility extends beyond mere rhetoric. We are steadfastly pursuing Net Zero by 2030, implementing a range of initiatives to forge a more sustainable future.

Our Sustainability Initiatives:

Offsetting Carbon Emissions

Recognizing our environmental impact, we've initiated quarterly contributions to Greenfleet, a non-profit organization fostering native biodiverse forests in Australia and New Zealand. In a groundbreaking move, we proudly offset 6 tonnes of carbon in our inaugural quarter.

Recycling and Reducing Landfill

Amplifying our recycling efforts to minimize landfill contributions, we actively seek partnerships to repurpose items, fostering a circular economy.

Collaboration with Like-minded Suppliers

Understanding the significance of collaboration, we work closely with suppliers who share our sustainability ethos, extending positive impacts throughout our supply chain.

Promotion of Environmentally Friendly Products

We take pride in advocating for products that diminish our environmental footprint, from energy-efficient solutions to materials with reduced impact.

Transparent Reporting

Committed to accountability, we embrace transparency by providing regular updates on our environmental performance, ensuring clarity in our journey towards achieving Net Zero.


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